In fact, this picture is an excellent illustration of all I was interested in doing in Toledo. The other outstanding citizen in the photo is Kelsey.
I was also exceedingly interested in crying, as lately, I've been missing a little bit of me time. Privacy is hard won in Spain. It's not that people are constantly asking about your personal life...they don' all. It's that it's hard to find time to be alone. And after not having time to be alone and collect and process, well, one begins to feel...alone. Like you are surrounded with people, totally unaware of who you are and keenly aware that they haven't an idea of who you are either.
I don't know, perhaps that was pure gibberish. Made sense to me.
Then I talked to Tyler on Skype and I felt better.
Quite possibly, my favorite part of Toledo was Pepe (seen here). I love the dogs here in Spain. Many of them appear quite vacant, but all appear ernest and spunky. Pepe was no exception: entirely vacant, entirely spunky, entirely Pepe. Although, in truth, his name is not actually Pepe (unless the goddess of coincidence is smiling upon me).
Pepe appears to spend most of his day at a bar in Toledo, eating scraps off the floor around half-smoked cigarettes while his owner pours a pint from behind the counter and some curmudgeonly old bachelor complains about politics. Yes, this dog is a regular at a bar.
Welcome to Spain.
I saw Pepe inside the bar, and when his owner saw me eyeing his pet, he pointed at me, said something to the dog, and Pepe obliged, calmy strolling outside and standing in front of me so that I could scratch his ears.
He did not remember me the next day as he calmly weaved around tourists during what I'm sure was his daily constitutional. He was not to be bothered.
Anyway. The point is, Pepe made me happy.
What does not make me happy is this scraggly, adorable, snaggle-toothed, possibly-homeless dog that sits outside the apartment complex every day apparently with the sole purpose of making Ellen and I feel broken-hearted.
Hmmm. Perhaps instead I ought to think about how José María sounds when he says McBeth. It's comparable to "quack, quack" and as I love ducks, that's fine with me.
In closing, here is a video, courtesy of Ellen, of Carmen telling us about something in the cathedral. Spanish is so commonplace to me now that I am surprised when people don't understand it (speaking it is very different, of course) . Then again, Carmen speaks pretty clearly for us, whereas María tends to drop the second halves of words all over the place. Apparently Sevillan Spanish is one of the hardest to understand.
I had my own video, complete with examples of everything Carmen was discussing or explaining, but apparently I don't understand the camera I'm using here and ended up taking a picture of Kelsey's legs. Whoops.
Nevermind. I can't get it to work. Some other time perhaps.
I hope everyone is doing well over there in the New World.
And yes, Columbus Day does merit a day off here.
You made me laugh.
Thank you.
Except there wasn't a video, but that's okay.
I'm not sure how blog weariness is like senoratis (leaving that) but I understand exactly what you said about privacy in Spain. exactly.
You and Greta Garbo...and almost everyone I know. A little peace and quiet and time with one's thoughts is a good thing. Maybe you'll get some on Columbus Day! You should eat cake and savor every bite while you ruminate.
Love, Mom
Pepe reminds me of Gypsy. He has that same I'm-old-so-feel-bad-for me-and-give-me-food look.
I really like reading this only because it reminds me a bit of hearing you talk down the hall from me...
I miss you.
Pepe made you happy like this entry just made me happy.
I was crying.
Sam, Thanks for the description of Pepe, I think that is the dog friend Ellen refers to as a bigger Goliath (our Pepe). Never thought about a dog being a regular at a bar. Ah, Spain. Keep up the great work, your writing captures your experience. That is hard for some people to do. You do it well. Thanks again, Ellen's Padre, Joe
I've been watching a little live video from Whitewater, courtesy of Johnny Lechner, the guy who can't get with the system and graduate in under 13 years.
It's exactly as you described it.
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