Friday, October 19, 2007

Too Much Bean Soup. Too Much Spanish.

Ok, now that I've tackled that bohemoth (the three exams)...


I don't have much to say, because my mind is made out of bean soup (which Ellen and I have had for lunch four out of the past seven days) after studying so much and writing frantically in scribbled, barely-coherent Spanish.

But tonight is another Noche de Chicas. Ugh. I feel disgusted just writing simple things in Spanish. I think I need a nap.

On Sunday I am going to go to a Betis game, es decir (leaving that), a professional soccer game. Whoa. Almost wrote football there. Sorry guys.

I think I should probably just let my mind cease functioning again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray that we havent had been soup in two days!