Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back Again

I'm getting excited to go again. The feeling comes and goes.

There is still so much to do before I go. Packing for instance. I haven't started packing.

I suppose there are 6 days left, but six days pass quickly and I have appointments to make.

At least now I can saunter around Spain confident in my sultry new fillings.

The cat just almost fell down the laundry chute. That could have been very interesting.

I've been making a quilt out of old t-shirts...an idea I got from my future roommate (not immediately future roommate) Becks. I'm probably just procrastinating.

Where's the remote? (el control remoto...I'm not kidding)


Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, I thought it would be fun to try and go down the laundry chute, sadly my mother talked me out of it.

I missed you today at the General Store. It was unbearably quiet and boring.

Steph said...

I miss you on my wing. First floor is weird. I live with a Sam now and my mom keeps getting you two confused, I enjoy it.
I know it's bad, but I kind of wanted the cat to fall down it just so I could here you tell the story..