Friday, August 31, 2007

Canis: type of genus of the Canidae; wolves, wild and domestic dogs, jackals.

I don't have much to say, except that...

I really want to go shopping.

I'm going to the beach (la playa) tomorrow.

Today I was able to point out Canis which are Spanish hoodlums who like to pickpocket and steal purses and grab women's boobs when they walk pass. They are classy dudes. They wear a lot of baggy clothes and bling and, sometimes, they even break out the neon swim trunks while they ride on their mopeds.

I love this dog that sits outside in his owner's window, wrapped around the metal bars. Dogs here are rarely on leashes.

I lied about having six blisters. I have twelve, and one is less a blister and more an atomic crater. It feels very nice. But I still want to wear shoes.

Today I learned that one way people can tell an American woman is by her painted toenails. Interesting. (las unas pintadas).

I don't know how to make Spanish characters on this computer.

Today, we had pizza with the rest of the school and this old man came up behind me, saying something incomprehensible. After...haha, my senora keeps reminding me to wear "mucha proteccion" tomorrow at the beach. I think she's afraid I'm going to try to tan....anyways, after Ellen and I hurried away, ignoring him as he jingled his keys at us and said other things we couldn't understand, we found a guy we knew and found the pizzeria. Then the old man caught up with David (the guy we knew) and gave him Ellen's Bonobus (30 day bus pass), which she had dropped some blocks earlier. He felt bad that we thought he was a creep and we felt bad we thought he was a creep.

People in Spain really like to show everyone how much they enjoy making out.

I wouldn't mind if American men dressed like European men at all.

I should have some pictures up soon.

And for Ellen:

"Ellen, I don't think you want to take a picture here right now (at night)."

"Oh, why?"

"Well, see that big group of Canis?"

"Really? Those are Canis."

"Ellen, those are the Caniest Canis I've ever seen."

Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate hearing from you.

I guess I had more to say than I thought.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day Two, Water Rations Good.

Apparently, there were some problems with my half completed post, so I will try to fix them as And while I'm doing that, I'll probably lose any fluency I've gained today. I feel more confident already.

I forgot to tell you all that the pilot on my plane to Madrid had a wonderful accent (like I probably do when I speak Spanish) and whenever he said he said, "turbulence," or, "gentlemen," he said, "tour-boo-lanz," y, "yent-ayl-mehn." It was great.

Otherwise, my second day is going just fine. Señora is wonderful and continues to refuse to believe me when I say I am full, going so far as to say, "No, no, no. Necesitas mas," and proceeds to heap more food on my plate. She believes that studying burns a great deal of calories and that they need to be fully replenished. She is entirely spunky, however, and is always interested in where I am from and who I am. She saw my passport today and said, "Ha-nay," trying to pronounce my middle name. I said "Si, en ingles, es Jane." She nodded happily and said, "Hane, si, Ha-nay."

Something interesting about Spain is that women in Spain dress up whenever they go outside, but whenever they are inside, it´s all about the airy nightgown. The program director called it a moo-moo, but it's so much more when it's 90 degrees with no aire acondicionado.

Today, I had a run in with pain when I went to a hotel for orientation with Ellen be continued.

Sorry, I had to go on a two hour walking tour, which was wonderful, because I could understand most things my guide, Manuel, was saying.

Anywho, so me and pain got together, because this morning I wore my new flats as I was under the impression that we would be walking a block, getting on un autobus, getting off the bus and walking right into a hotel. In all actuality, I walked for about a mile, in the end acquiring six awful blisters, two of which bled profusely. We had to borrow money to taxi home. Maria (Gracia) was very worried about my feet.

I've eaten several things I normally wouldn't go for. Including an egg sandwich and a ham sandwich and hot tea and guess what? I liked all of them.

For now, I need to go. My bed is egging me on and I'm caving in.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hello Spain, my name is Samantha...wait...what was that? I didn´t quite catch that...what?

Hello computer, is that a tilde on your keyboard, or are you just happy to see me? Oh, just a tilde. Ok. ÑÑÑÑ

So, despite what my body is telling me, it is 8:15 (20:15 if you´re a local) in Seville. Also, despite what my body is telling me, I am in one piece.

I have some pictures from the plane, but they will have to wait until I can bring my laptop to school. Coming into Madrid was amazing. There´s nothing like the sunrise with the moon over the Pyrenees to make all that sleep deprivation seem worthwhile. I am amazed at the perfection of God´s unspoiled creation.

I did, however, manage to lose my boarding pass somewhere between the plane and the Madrid airport, which is a bohemoth of yellow pillars. It´s actually very architecturally interesting. I was going through security when I found I had no boarding pass and was unceremoniously thrown out of line with no explanation of what I was to do. I was very near crying when one of the more experienced faculty helped me obtain a new ticket (tarjeta de embarque).

Now that I am in Seville, its hard to believe anything about my stay is really permanent. My señora, Gracia (Gra-thee-a with the traditional Spanish lisp), is incredible. She´s hosted many students before and thankfully understands that when she talks, she might only receive a hopelessly lost stare as a reply as I try to process what she´s said. Apparently, she likes to feed her students a great deal and today I had a type of melon I had never had before which was delicious and forced myself to eat a salad with tomatoes, blocks of cheese, and corn (three things I do not like) and it was just fine. Ellen and I have a little room in her lovely apartment where she kind of forced us to take a nap in place of unpacking...and by forced, I mean she came in, said it was too hot, shut the window, put on a fan, told us to take our luggage off the bed, and pulled down the covers for us and gave us an estimate of how long we should sleep. Far be it from me to deny any command to nap, especially since I didn´t sleep a wink on the plane. She´s really spunky and wonderful and does everything she can to be entirely accomodating.

I also had a horrible time explaining syrup (jarabe? jarape?) to her, and have a feeling she might be serving it in glasses for breakfast tomorrow. If nothing, she really liked how it smelled.

The previous occupants left behind quite a bit of toiletry items, which I hadn´t anticipated...shampoo, conditioner, a hair straightener, etc...were all waiting for us in our room along with Spanish English dictionaries and verb books.

It´s pretty much amazing here, and the people I´ve met so far are pretty much amazing, and it seems like it could be amazingly hot, but that´s fine, because I´m in Spain and my señora actually commanded me to nap and liked the cow figurine I gave her.

Señora would like to go now, so I am going to go now. I will talk to you later computer. And I will talk to you later Tyler and Mom and Dad. I just have some figuring out to do.

But I suppose that´s the point of an adventure.

Monday, August 27, 2007

In Less Than 24 Hours, I Will Be On A Really Big Plane.

And last night I kept dreaming about hostess gift baskets and feeling like something was biting me all over.

And today, I've spent a lot of time feeling excedingly overwhelmed and powerless...but the latter of the two is probably pretty healthy.


Back to packing.

But not backpacking.

Friday, August 24, 2007

If You Were a Study Abroad in Spain, Where Would You Be?

Three days away. That's where.

I have started packing. I promise. In fact, not only do I have one suitcase packed, I have managed to craft half a crude quilt, three necklaces, and two pairs of earrings. I have also spent a nice afternoon with my mom, who is ever generous (and I'm not just saying that because I know she'll read this (and is probably subconsciously proof reading this as well)). However, I have not purchased a hostess gift yet. Ellen, have you?

Packing is proving to be no easy task. My mind is continuously on what I need to purchase (as it might not be provided in the host organizer? Anyone?) and keep digging into my pocket...what the heck is that noise, it's like there's a bird behind the peach printed on the kitchen I go along.

I also was on the receiving end of a hair cut today. Yes, my friends, my hair is no longer in contact with my shoulders. They aren't on good terms anyway. I would have been in the salon chair in the morning had I not awoken heinously nauseous. I had to postpone the appoinment 'til afternoon. Which wasn't a problem at all. I just wanted to inform all of you that my stomach and I weren't on good terms this morning either. My body is in complete contention with itself. In fact, all I needed was food, but I was so weak and smell conscious that I couldn't fix myself anything. Oddly enough, the solution was McDonald's.

See, my mom or dad almost always brought me McDonald's for lunch when I missed school for being sick, and I think that that good old cheeseburger and small fry remedy actually works, as my body is conditioned for it. That might sound bad, but my stomach is oh, so appreciative.

I was terrified that I was actually sice. That would have been quite inconveniently timed.

Tomorrow, I go to Madison with my mom and aunts for a birthday (Please, please, Hostess Present, jump out and bite me.) and then Sunday, I'm spending an afternoon with my Dad at an outdoor, interactive Wisconsin museum type thingy.

I'm a little worried about the plane ride, as usual. But I should be fine. At least I pray I am. I can't believe what an adventure is set before me, and I feel blessed that I will be with someone so gentle and God-loving as Elenacita. Mi hija, tu eres la bendicion mejor. Mejora? O, no. Regresa espanol. Por favor.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back Again

I'm getting excited to go again. The feeling comes and goes.

There is still so much to do before I go. Packing for instance. I haven't started packing.

I suppose there are 6 days left, but six days pass quickly and I have appointments to make.

At least now I can saunter around Spain confident in my sultry new fillings.

The cat just almost fell down the laundry chute. That could have been very interesting.

I've been making a quilt out of old idea I got from my future roommate (not immediately future roommate) Becks. I'm probably just procrastinating.

Where's the remote? (el control remoto...I'm not kidding)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

8 Days

My last week is starting to fill up...quality time with my parents, hair cuts, dentist's appointments (fillings...mmm), doctor's appointments, calls to make, exercising, sewing, visits, phone calls, shopping for know, maybe packing could be a good idea.

I'm also extremely homesick for NWC. I so want to see all of my friends and it's hard...holy downpour! We keep having flash's hard to know that I won't be in their presence or a real part of their lives for half of a year. And I'm so frightened that they are going to move on with everything and not give me the time of day when I get back, because it's too hard to catch up with 4 months.

Perhaps it's selfish, but it's hard to realize the world doesn't stop just because I'm absent. I knew it wouldn't, but it's hard to feel for the first time.

And perhaps thinking should not be my main activity right now. Perhaps I should stop worrying and go to sleep.

Good idea Samantha. You're so smart and saavy.

9 Days

There are only 9 days left before I leave.

I have a lot to do. Mostly calm myself down so that I get stuff done.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I should be a computer technician.

I fixed the settings so that anyone can comment. Thanks for the heads up Ty.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

In The Beginning...

There was Spain, and it was good...I hope.

As many of you know I will soon be leaving the country and settling into quiet anonymity for four months in southern Spain.

I keep forgetting what I'm writing, because my mom is watching a very distracting video about cat care.

Anyway, I'm going to Spain. Yes.

Since I will be in a country where most homes do not have internet access and phone calls cost about the same as a small wedding, odds are I will not be able to keep in close contact with many of my nearest and dearest. If it's ok with you (and if not), I will be posting tales of my efforts to assimilate into and learn about Spanish culture here on this blog in hopes to keep all of you updated and in touch as I go through all kinds of culture shock and experience my first abroad...well...experience.

I can't wait to amuse the Spaniards with my primitive American mannerisms.

This blogging site also allows anyone to leave comments without setting up his/her own account, so one needn't worry about being sucked into the blogosphere.

Thank you all for your support as I prepare to go (in less than two weeks). I'll miss you all, and of course, I'll see you all in about 4 months (God willing).